Mildred - Chatting
The Essentials
Last Seen: Chatting
Joined: Feb 07, 2013
Age: 66
Gender: Male
Location: Deerfield Beach, FL, US
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Men
HIV Status: Negative
About Me
Here for a few laughs.
Wouldn't mind meeting a nice man for friendship or dating.
Education & Work
Education: Graduate of Miss Muffy Clitman school of beauty and charm in Cuneticunt.
Employer: Metro Goldwyn Meyer, Fredreco Fellini, Alfred Hitchcock, Florenz Zeigfeld, The nice man down the street.

College/University: School of hard knocks
Religion: Jewess, from Brookyn N.Y........Hello Gawjuss?
Political Views: Dont fuck with me fellas...
Favorite Quotes: Love, means NEVA having to say your sorry.
Eat shit and die.
Arts & Entertainment
Books: Mildreds guide to hair and makeup,
Mildred speaks the truth about men
."The ups and downs of hollywood" by Mildred.
Movies: "Run Cawk Run" starring Mildred,
"The snowbirds" starring Mildred.
"Oy wake up scureamin" starring Mildred.
" A Schlong Iz Born" starring Mildred.
Television: " Cooking Naked" with Mildred,
"Gurl Tawk" with Mildred
"The housewives of Tinseltown" starring Mildred.
Music: Mildred belts out Torch Songz, Mildred sings christmas carols, Mildred sings Broadway
Bolero ( during sex ).
Games: catch me catch me,
find the boner,
honeymoon in Tiajuana.
Favortie Sports: nude mud wrestling,
mountain climbing,
Bull fighting,
Bobsledding ,
sky diving ,
Deep sea fishing,
Midget wrestling
Favorite Teams: U.S Schlonglickers Olympic team.,
circle jerk team of Bulgaria.
Favorite Athletes: Oxsanau Cocamankashlawazska from Bulgari
Francois Vaidelmenikoffomaldanowsloz from Romania
Rubinstay Ttukalmeonowitsy from Ukraine.
Activites & Interests
Interests: big schlongz ,
hairy men,
looking in the mirror,
Plastic Surgery,
tawking about myself,
tawking behind peoples backs,
tawking on the fone,
Tawking in general ,
Toe Modeling
Public displays of Drama ,
Have fun........ or
Activities: Getting out of bed,
Running for a plane,
Binging & Purging,.
Touching myself
Filing moy nailz ,
Polishing my toe nails
Eating junk food
Teasing my hair
Going to the potty,
Calalilly pickin,
Walkin a red cawpet,
Cascading down a staircase,
Champagne bubble baths
Brushing my muff.
Reaching for a brewsky
Walking to the fridge

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